Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Gain Workout Buddies & Loose Those Unwanted LBs for Good!

The Best advice I ever received was "Be sure to surround yourself with positive people who have similar goals"

How does this transfer over to getting into your best shape?

In so many ways!

One of the most successful ways to ensure permanent weight loss is to build a fitness minded network. What does this entail?

Make a gym buddy-it can make working out twice as fun! Be sure to save the chit chat for after!

Join a local running group, outdoor club, or rec center. Great way to get in shape and meet other fitness minded people as well!

Have a significant other? What better activity to do than workout together! Push each other to both get into great shape! Plus the benefits go far beyond the gym. Numerous studies show that couples that get moving in the gym get moving in the bedroom as well.

Are you a mom? What better way to bond with other moms than to arrange a weekly neighborhood jog! If you thought running torched calories throw pushing a baby and you will really be working!

Have a family? Make health a family priority! Keep the house stalked with healthy food options and get the family involved with fun active activities!

Have a girls’ nights where you cook up a great, healthy meal and swap good recipes over manicures, pedicures, face masks, etc.!

Hope that helps! Have a blessed Day:)

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